
You Are Not Alone

...And Your Redeemer Is For You!


You long to find what is missing from your life but can’t quite put your finger on it.

You have faith but life has just been so complicated.

You are not sure how to get your footing again.

You want to go deeper with God, but are afraid to be let down again.

You don’t dare whisper the doubts you feel, for fear of judgment or shame.

You just wish things could be simpler again.

Life just doesn’t look like what you thought it would. Now what?

You are not alone. God sees you.

He wants to remove your shame and restore your hope again.

Welcome to a space and place where you can rest in the LORD.

Come and get refreshed in His word with me here.

You’re invited!

There is something about a cup of coffee or a cup of tea that comforts the soul. But when we add the word of God and truths shared that encourage our souls, we are able to rise above our circumstances and walk in the abundant, victorious life God has given us. So why don’t you grab a cup ‘o joe and hang out with me here? Take the Hope Reinvented survey to see where your hope lies or maybe where you need a dose of hope. Or take the Shame Quotient quiz to detect some shadows of shame in your life. Ready? God is not finished with you yet! He is taking you from glory to glory and will take even your greatest place of pain and meet you there. He will use all things for your good and His glory.

Where’s Your Hope?

Need Hope?

We all can struggle with hoping when life all around us is overwhelming. Maybe our hope was in the wrong place or in an outcome. God has so much more in mind for us. And He is inviting us to reinvent our hope. Let’s examine our hope and see where our hope might need a little boost.

What’s Your Shame Quotient?

Got Shame?

Do you feel like shame has robbed you of joy? Or the life you once knew? Or maybe you are in denial about having shame at all. Shame is interwoven throughout our lives in one form or another. Take the shame quotient quiz now to see your level of shame then come and join the Shame Off You Life!

Shame Off You Blog

Hope Reinvented Blog

Black & White Podcast

Come And Go Deeper With God

Don't let fear paralyze or hold you back anymore.

God sees you. He knows you. He has plans for you.

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