

(c) 2015 Denise Pass, Shay Watson, Olivia Conn

The LORD gave me this song while I was waiting for one of my children to finish taking their SAT test. Funny how in the mundane moments of life we can encounter God in amazing ways. Sitting in the parking lot, overwhelmed with my to do list and crippled with my current situation, the LORD invited me to consider that there were layers in my heart that I was hiding from Him and even myself.

On the outside, it looked like I trusted God. I read His Word. Served in church. Loved my family. I believed God. But still there was this hurt inside and fear, holding me back to doubt the goodness of God. Could He really be trusted? Even though I knew what God’s word said about His character, when He had allowed such pain into my life, I was afraid to wholeheartedly trust Him again. Silly right?

But God. He broke through my wounded heart and showed me that He had not caused the pain. His plans are good for us and His purposes are always redeeming.  Layers is about yielding to God and trusting in God in every season of life – and believing that He is good all the time. Not just when things go are way – no, even in the hard places, we can see that our God is good and for us. He carries us and enables us to persevere.

When we surrender our will and plans to God, He changes our hearts and gives us an eternal perspective. No sorrow, no burden is wasted, but lovingly used for our good and His glory. Peel back the layers, friends. Your Redeemer is near. And He is our Jehovah Rapha, the LORD our Healer.


Layers (c) Denise Pass, Shay Watson, Olivia Conn

Peel back the LAYERS, Reveal our hearts
Show us what’s hidden in the dark
Expose the hurt, Lord, unveil our fears
Come wipe away our secret tears

Help us to rend our hearts Lord – For You see it all anyway.

I surrender all – Lord, I hear Your call
I surrender all to you – LAYER by LAYER, all to You

You see the past Lord, in vast detail
Your plans will stand when our hearts fail
Though pain and burdens seem harsh and cruel,
Our sorrows will become a jewel.

What we’d rather forget, buried in the depths of our heart
Use it all for Your glory
Though times may try our soul, Your love can make us whole
Nothing is wasted in your plan.

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Women's Conference, Church-wide event, Concert, Worship/Speaking combo
What is the vision you have for your event?
If you know the date, please specify. If you have flexibility, please share that, as well.
What is the topic or theme for your event? Feel free to check out the topics I have presented on previously, though I am also able to customize a message to meet your vision. If you don't know the topic yet, please indicate that, as well.
What is the expected amount of time for worship leading or how many worship sets/anticipated schedule? If there are numerous sessions, please describe.
Please provide the name of your organization and website, as well as location for the event.
Please review my speaker kit on the speaker page for pricing information for worship leading as well as speaking. I would be honored to serve you and work with your budget the best I can.
Do you have sound equipment, or need me to provide?
Did you want a full band, or a simpler acoustic set?
What other details would you like incorporated into this event to make it special? How can I support you? Any questions you have for me?

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