How Shame Impacts Our Relationships

How Shame Impacts Our Relationships

At the root of broken relationships is often our foe, shame. But the good news is that we can recognize how shame is operating in our relationships and opt for a higher road. Below are 3 ways how shame impacts our relationships. Shame Impacts the Security of Our...
Your Worth Isn’t Tied to Your Goals

Your Worth Isn’t Tied to Your Goals

I can still see little 4’11” me trying to make a shot in the looming basketball hoop in 5th grade. With all the strength I could muster, it was nothing but air. Until my friend’s mom told me with a little practice she could show me some techniques so...
Accepting Honor Instead of Shame

Accepting Honor Instead of Shame

What a picture it would be if people placed crowns of honor on one another, encouraging what was considered praiseworthy about each other. Instead of minimizing one another or competing for our own glory, we would want the other person to shine. This is what Christ...
No Shame Here

No Shame Here

Ok who’s with me? No shame here in the new year! It has a nice ring to it! Shame robs us of peace, causing us to hyper focus on a false perception of ourselves. We don’t want to waste time on that, do we? Here are some ways to eradicate shame in the new...
Shame Off You in the New Year!

Shame Off You in the New Year!

We’ve all likely heard the phrase, “Shame On You” at some point in our lives. We might try to shrug it off, but it leaves a residue on our souls that needs to be dealt with. Listen and watch the video above to learn what shame is, what it does, how it happens, why we...

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