
Inspirational Thought of the Day:

Be reconciled. Lay down sin that hinders fellowship with the One Who loves you more than anyone else ever could.

Scripture of the Day:

Job 22:21

“Reconcile yourself with God, and be at peace with him; in this way your prosperity will be good. 22 Accept instruction from his mouth and store up his words in your heart. 23 If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored: If you remove wickedness far from your tent.”

Who would want to be at enmity with God? Not something I think we would want to choose, yet every time we acquiesce to sin and choose to walk after the flesh, we are at odds with the God of this universe. Let that truth sink in. When we willingly choose to violate God’s word, we are saying to our Maker, I want my way more than I want You.

Sin separates us from a loving God and wreaks havoc in our lives, as well. The ironic thing about wanting to commit sin is that it actually also hurts US. Why would we want to hurt ourselves? But that is the deception of sin. It tricks us into thinking we are getting what we want, but we would never want the fruit of sin.

We tend to grade ourselves on the curve and judge ourselves according to our intentions, but other people? Not so much. Thank God He is gracious and loving and reveals our great need of Him. He reveals so we can heal. He does not condemn us, but invites us to turn away from our sin and to turn toward Him.

He demonstrated His great love for us when He chose us while we were still enemies. His salvation did not mean we could continue to live sinful lives, though. His abundant grace is so we could be set free from sin, to cover our sin, not allow it.

That a holy God would want to be reconciled to an unholy people overwhelms me. Be reconciled. Lay down sin that hinders fellowship with the One Who loves you more than anyone else ever could.

Lord, thank You for making a way for us to be reconciled to You. May we never forget the great cost – Your dear son’s brutal death given to pay for our immense sin debt. Help all who read this post to see Your great love, to turn away from their sin and to turn toward You, the great Lover of our souls.




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