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Proverbs 29:18 (ESV):

“Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.”

As we seek to live lives on mission, we have to have a vision. We are a forgetful people. We can know our mission, but if we can’t see it or understand it, it seems pointless. Really a vision is kept in front of us when we are in God’s word and praying/seeking Him. A vision is living. It is not yesterday’s manna. It is renewed as we abide in God’s presence. The Bible says that without a vision we perish. What an image for the significance of needing a vision from God. When we get a vision from anywhere else, it leads us astray and we go off mission. Where do you get your vision from? Listen in as Denise and Angela talk about how to renew our vision in Christ.

Bonus: Download a Free Vision Template

Bonus: Download an Extended Devotion (COMING SOON!) 

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