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2 Timothy 1:7
“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
So often we disqualify ourselves based on our weaknesses, but fixating on our weaknesses is not humility. God gets the glory in our weaknesses and the strengths that He has put within us. Breathe out your definition of self and breathe in God’s definition of you. Listen in to part two of this interview with Amy Carroll and Cheri Gregory as they share on their book, “Exhale—Lose Who You’re Not, Love Who You Are, Live Your One Life Well” and move from running-on-empty to spent-and-content.
Leave a comment about how you move from running on empty to spent-and-content to be entered to receive a free copy of “Exhale—Lose Who You’re Not, Love Who You Are, Live Your One Life Well“.
Our Guests
Amy Carroll
Cheri Gregory
Amy Carroll is a speaker and writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries, the author of Breaking Up with Perfect, and a cohost for the podcast Grit ‘n’ Grace. Amy and her husband live in Holly Springs, North Carolina. Find out more at amycarroll.org.
Cheri Gregory is a frequent speaker and the coauthor, with Kathi Lipp, of You Don’t Have to Try So Hard and Overwhelmed. She’s also a contributor to the (in)courage Devotional Bible. She lives with her family on the central California coast. Learn more at cherigregory.com.