Inspirational Thought of the Day:
As we go through deep valleys, He uses those valleys to help us go deeper with Him.
Scripture of the Day:
“God has revealed these to us by the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.”
Today I was blessed to have The Upper Room feature one of the devotionals I had written previously: They also invited me to write a follow up devotion, which is below and here on their website:
It has been such an encouragement and a joy to interact with the many readers and see God work. All the troubles we encounter in this world can ultimately lead to an encounter with the living God if we surrender our burdens over to Him. He is faithful, and amazingly able to use all things together for our good and His glory.
As we go through deep valleys, He uses those valleys to help us go deeper with Him. That is the thread woven throughout this ministry called “Seeing Deep” – in all of life we can see the deeper purposes of God in the midst of the mundane, often painful and seemingly senseless part of life. God is good all the time.
Blog featured on “The Upper Room” today:
One of the most amazing moments a writer or a reader can have is when a truth is imparted. In that moment, a revelation and deeper understanding open our eyes to the goodness of God. Suddenly, the former confusion is gone and we know at once that the burning in our soul is witness to an encounter with the living God.
When I wrote today’s devotional, I wept. Not because it saddened me, but because I had seen the goodness of God. I would likely not have recognized God’s goodness if I had not suffered first. The devotional was an answer to how I had felt when life had caused considerable pain. It did not matter if no one else understood – my God did.
I had just started blogging a few days prior to writing that devotional, but I have journaled for 28 years. Now two years later, I have written many more devotions with similar impressions. I cannot help but get emotional when I consider how awesome God is.
It is in the valleys that we can choose to focus on the problem at hand or to trust in the God of the universe who has the problem in hand. Faith is simpler than we let it be. We complicate things by placing expectations and rules where God gives freedom. It’s ok to cry out and admit we don’t have it all together. It is beautiful humility to see our need for God, who longs to answer the prayer of the contrite and broken.
When the waves of the sea are billowing all around us, it is easy to become distracted, but the greatest moments in my walk with God have been when I surrendered my broken heart and trusted God, even though the pain puzzled me. It was in those bittersweet moments that I began to see God’s divine purpose.
The Israelites mourned the loss of the food they had eaten while in Egypt when the desert was becoming unbearable. We, too, can become disillusioned and wonder what God’s purpose is and deceive ourselves into thinking any earthly belonging could ever compare to his promises. Like the Israelites, I had to walk through many hardships, but God brought me out and restored my joy. He can do that for you, too.
Come stop by, bring a cup of joe and visit my blog at or my ministry website and music at I would love to hear God’s story in your life, too. He is faithful and will complete the work begun in you!
Lord, thank you for Your undefinable, amazing, unconditional love that reveals to us deep truths that we might know You more. Love you!
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