by Denise Pass | Dec 22, 2020
Semper Fi to Truth Our culture tells us to be true to ourselves. But when our own hearts are deceitful, we might have a problem. Being semper fi to truth is the defining attribute of believers. Bible Reading: 3 John Today we are reading from the book of 3 John....
by Denise Pass | Aug 27, 2020
Staying Faithful in a Faithless World Staying faithful in a faithless world means we don’t let ourselves grow comfortable with the status quo. Sometimes we get distracted because we aren’t doing what we are supposed to be doing. Or we get forgetful and...
by Denise Pass | Apr 18, 2020
Friends, are you discouraged or depressed? We learn from King David and Jesus that we don’t have to let our feelings be the boss of us. We can be the boss of our feelings by taking those thoughts captive and crying out to God. God can give us wisdom to drill...
by Denise Pass | Apr 17, 2020
Are there areas in your life where you need to submit to God and have been resistant? Repent and God will relent. God’s plans are good. Let’s not mess up His good plans with sin. God help us to be an obedient people of His word, in His word, living out His...
by Denise Pass | Apr 4, 2020
Mindset Thought of the Day: A problem-free life cannot truly satisfy the soul like a problem-filled life can when we have Jesus to walk with us. “You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.” —John 14:17b