by Denise Pass | Oct 31, 2020
Looking for Favor Do you ever feel like it is always someone else who is the winner? You put your best effort in and someone else is chosen? This desire for favor is within us, a craving for acceptance and significance. We all want to be the one chosen and...
by Denise Pass | Sep 8, 2017
Scripture of the Day: Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes dishonor, But with the humble is wisdom.” Shame RX of the Day: When we acknowledge our shame but don’t remain in it, we are set free from any negative effects of shame. So why does shame bug us so much?...
by Denise Pass | Jul 5, 2017
Hope Discovery for the Day: God does not reveal our sin to condemn us, but to revive us! Scriptures of the Day: Psalm 80:18-19 “Then we will not turn away from you. Revive us and we will pray to you! O LORD God, invincible warrior, restore us! Smile on us! Then...
by Denise Pass | Sep 14, 2016
Inspirational Thought of the Day: Jesus is our integrity. Scripture of the Day: Psalm 101:1-3 1 “Of David. A psalm. I will sing of your love and justice; to you, LORD, I will sing praise. 2 I will be careful to lead a blameless life– when will you come to...
by Denise Pass | May 16, 2015
Jeremiah 2:5-6, 8, 13, 17, 19, 31 5 This is what the Lord says: “What fault could your ancestors have possibly found in me that they strayed so far from me? They paid allegiance to worthless idols, and so became worthless to me. 6 They did not ask: ‘Where...