
April 3 Bible Reading Plan

Influence is all around us. Our society pumps a message about self and the pursuit of pleasure, and even our own hearts can influence us toward evil. Which influence will we listen to and how will we influence others? God has called us to influence others around us...

April 2 Bible Reading Plan

We’ve got issues, y’all. But God’s people have always had issues. This is why we need to be saved. But following God cannot be done our way. We need to follow His way. Let’s not sugar coat our sin, we remain in deception if we do not give our...

April 1 Bible Reading Plan

God never said life would be easy. But He did promise to go with us. We believe God yet worry how man will receive us. Jesus simply said, “go”. We tend to be man-centered and wonder why our calling is hard. Moses did, too. But God is sovereign over it all...

March 31 Bible Reading Plan

Have you ever sought to imitate someone? Maybe it was excellence you wanted to imitate. We are each an original from God and He does not call us to imitate others, but Himself. We are not called to be anyone else. And when we walk in our unique spiritual gifts and...

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