Inspirational Thought of the Day:
It is in our mistakes that we are able to truly see our need of God.
Scripture of the Day:
2 Samuel 24:17-24
17When he saw the angel who was destroying the people, David said to the LORD, “Look, it is I who have sinned and done this evil thing! As for these sheep–what have they done? Attack me and my family. 18 So Gad went to David that day and told him, “Go up and build an altar for the LORD on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.” 19 So David went up as Gad instructed him to do, according to the LORD’s instructions. 20 When Araunah looked out and saw the king and his servants approaching him, he went out and bowed to the king with his face to the ground. 21 Araunah said, “Why has my lord the king come to his servant?” David replied, “To buy from you the threshing floor so I can build an altar for the LORD, so that the plague may be removed from the people.” 22 Araunah told David, “My lord the king may take whatever he wishes and offer it. Look! Here are oxen for burnt offerings, and threshing sledges and harnesses for wood. 23 I, the servant of my lord the king, give it all to the king!” Araunah also told the king, “May the LORD your God show you favor!” 24 But the king said to Araunah, “No, I insist on buying it from you! I will not offer to the LORD my God burnt sacrifices that cost me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty pieces of silver.”
Ever had a guilty conscience? Wished you could take back a thought or deed? A strong conviction can be unpleasant when we know we were wrong, but it is such a gift to the one who can see it as such. It is in our mistakes that we are able to truly see our need of God. It is in repentance that our souls are set free.
Preceding the passage above, David decided it would be a good idea to count the armies of Israel and Judah. Made sense. Know your power. But even Joab, the commander of the army knew it was a bad idea. Why? The leader of their army was really God. Counting the armies was a sign that they were looking to their own ability instead of God’s. And it all came from Him anyway.
What an applicable truth to us today. It is so easy to rely on mankind, our own abilities or what we own. But even these were provided by God.
When we sin in any manner or recognize that we have not trusted God and have once again looked to man as our savior in a given situation, the response of David is such an example of true humility.
Humility. When he was approached by the prophet Gad about his sin, he acknowledged his sins and did not try to hide it. Gad let him pick his poison and gave him a choice for the discipline he and the people of Israel were to receive. David chose to be attacked by the LORD, knowing God’s mercy was great.
Others-Centered. When David saw that his sin impacted others, he cried out to God and asked that he alone bear the punishment. He was not bitter – he was broken. God heard him and Gad was sent to tell David to build an altar to offer a sacrifice.
Restitution. When Araunah offered the sacrifice to David for free, David knew his sin had been costly and that he could not casually offer a sacrifice without paying for it Himself. True repentance says, “I am the guilty one”. It does not try to skirt the issue or blame others. It recognizes the great cost our sin was to our Savior and does not try to cheaply cover the offense on our own. True repentance seeks to make restitution and trusts the LORD for healing and deliverance.
When we fall short, we have an opportunity to own our failings and come to God for mercy. Perhaps we might even go to people who were harmed and seek their forgiveness. Admitting our sin liberates us to heal and glorify God in it all.
Discover hope for the day:
Admitting our sin liberates us to heal and glorify God in it all.
Lord, thank You for revealing our sins so we could repent and find mercy. Help us to respond in humility and to care more for Your glory than our own.