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1 Peter 4:8

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 

Does the reality of your marriage create disillusionment in your relationship with your husband? Let’s be real together. Last week we had a great discussion about the connection we have in our marriage and how we as wives can hinder or cause that connection to grow. And this week we will look at our husband’s true need and living out a “Real Relationship” in our marriage. Listen in this week as Denise continues the interview with Amanda Davison, Founder of “A Wife Like Me” and Author of Dear Wife: 10-minute Invitations to Practice Connection with Your Husband.

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Amanda Davison

Amanda Davison

Author and Speaker

Amanda Davison is the wife to a Minnesota farmer, mother of three, and President of the nonprofit, ​A Wife Like Me​. She is the co-author of ​Dear Wife: 10 Minute Invitations to Practice Connection with Your Husband​, and speaker, and serves on staff at her local church, where she and her husband lead the marriage mentor team. Amanda is relentlessly sharing how her education in counseling and God’s word changed her life and marriage. You can be a part of the growing community of wives on ​Facebook​ or ​Instagram​, and can find many helpful resources for your marriage at ​A Wife Like Me​.

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