Scripture of the Day:
Isaiah 61:7
“Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy.”
Shame of the Day:
Having less than others.
Shame RX of the Day:
We can choose to look at our lack now or consider the double portion that God has in store for us. Focusing on our lack always leaves a feeling of shame, but being content with God’s provision is the greatest blessing of all.
Ugh . . . money, money money . . . in this world there are constant needs that can cause us to feel shame . . . when we compare to others.
I recently had someone I love tell some of my children that we are poor. The person was not trying to make us feel less than. I think there was just a sense of hurting for where we had a need.
In our society when we are virtually spoiled with blessings we can consider another person poor just because they don’t have everything they could want.
Sure, our air conditioning just went out last week and one of our kid’s cars broke down, too. Add to that medical bills and having 4 kids in college? Yep. Times are lean.
But when I consider that we are able to have our kids in college, I am blown away. Sacrificing our comfort temporarily to achieve the objective of an excellent Christian education is worthwhile. And sometimes not having everything come easily to us is of far greater worth than things just given to us.
[Tweet “When we focus on our need instead of our Provider, we invite shame in.”]
We have learned a behavior or being ashamed when we don’t have the latest or the greatest. But we can learn to be content, too, and laugh at life’s complications. We have a home. We have clothing. We are able to eat three square meals a day. But more than that, we know God. We are blessed indeed.
[Tweet “Whatever he gives to us, we are just stewards – to bless others, not ourselves. “]
Finances can be a big source of shame in a materialistic world. Paul learned the secret of being content in any and all situations. We can, too. When we compare to others or we focus on our need instead of our Provider, we invite shame in.
We can choose to look at our lack now or consider the double portion that God has in store for us. Focusing on our lack always leaves a feeling of shame, but being content with God’s provision is the greatest blessing of all.
[Tweet “Our worth never was meant to come from what we have or own.”]
Our worth never was meant to come from what we have or own. Our worth was given to us by our God Who defined our worth by dying for us. Whatever he gives to us, we are just stewards – to bless others, not ourselves. When we feel like we are lacking, we can go to our good, good Father, Who knows what we truly need and provides just in time.
[Tweet “Our worth was given to us by our God Who defined our worth by dying for us.”]
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