
bible tribe 18

Abundance Mentality

Good morning, friends! Day Eighteen! The grace we receive from God is abundant—more than enough. But we will need to accept this lavish gift in order to apply it. Having an abundance mentality is not just positive thinking. It is faithful thinking.

Bible Reading: Psalms 5-6

Verse of the day: Psalm 5:7, “But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, At Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You.”

Word of the day is: Abundant. It is the Hebrew word: רֹב (rove).

This word means: To become many, much, great, multitude.

Abundance In Christ

David had a pattern of seeking God first thing in the morning and this is the case in Psalm 5. What a good reminder. Sometimes we can let the urgent crowd out the necessary. We need to be in God’s word before anything else. I fail so often at this. It is a discipline that gets easier when we seek to be consistent. According to the Enduring Word commentary, Hudson Taylor, the famous missionary to China, had trouble finding time alone with God. He began to wake himself up at 2:00 in the morning and used those quiet hours when everyone else slept to commune with God. I think this is hard for us to hear, but honestly, you have to find what time works for you.

But notice the subject of David’s petition and prayer. David underscores God’s perfect character in dealing with sinful people and then acknowledges that it is not his own righteousness that earned him favor with God. It was God’s ABUNDANT lovingkindness.

Where Is Our Mindset?

We can tend to approach life from a scarcity mindset or point-of-view. The flesh never has enough. But Christ has an abundance mindset that longs to pour out His love and acceptance on us.


        • Do you see the glass as half full or as overflowing?
        • God has overflowing joy and life for us, and our circumstances don’t determine this.
        • Have an abundance mentality today, friend! Don’t look at the problems of this life as if they rule your thoughts. Look at Jesus. He has more than enough for any problem we face!

        Go with God and His precious word, friends! Join us tomorrow in the book of Job.

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