
Episode 5: Is the Old Testament Relevant Today? (part 2)

How is the Old Testament relevant today? Are there some laws we should apply and some we should not?

For years I have struggled with what celebrating the Sabbath looks like today, for instance. And I think the danger is that we can become legalistic in our desire to try and fulfill the Law for our righteousness. This is why we need Christ. He is our righteousness. He fulfills the laws on our behalf. But this does not mean the laws are no longer relevant. 

We are continuing our discussion this week of the Old Testament’s relevance to our lives. Listen in as Dr. Joseph Cathey, professor of the Old Testament and former archaeologist and I discuss in part 2 of our interview the relevance of the Old Testament to us today as we examine which Old Testament laws apply to us today and what God’s heart is with these laws.

Download the devotional, transcript, and additional resources for this podcast below.

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