Running on the dirt road near our home, I huffed and puffed and managed the words, “Jogging is really hard in the beginning until…”
“Until it gets harder,” my husband chimed, disrupting my musing.
Ugh. Starting a jog is always so hard. As Isaac Newton said, “An object at rest will tend to stay at rest.” As I negotiated in my mind to just keep going, I longed for that promised second wind when a burst of energy would suddenly fill me.
But what if we never get to the elusive second wind?
As I plodded alongside my husband (who was running circles around me just to stay near me), lol, I contemplated finding my second wind and realized that it was not something that would just happen to me.
It was chosen.
I thought about the people who count on me and the people I want to encourage with the gospel. This is reason enough to not give up or give in.
Then I realized…YOU are my second wind.
Not for a vain reason of looking good in front of you or others, but to press on as Paul did, to be faithful and have the energy to live this life well, all for His glory. It is worth it if I might reach just one more person with the all-surpassing love of Jesus that sustains me and enables me.
I intended to write this note to you on July 8th, but it was accidentally deleted. This is what this year has felt like—just trying to fight back to find a normal rhythm again. To find my second wind.
Can you relate?
I don’t know what you are facing right now, but I am praying that you will be encouraged you to not give up fighting for victory in your health or any problems you are facing—to continue to fight for spiritual victory.
Who or what is your second wind that will inspire you to not give up?
This has been a hard year over here, friends. I have been relatively quiet while I pick up the pieces and figure out how to move forward.
I know I am not the only one. We all have our challenges. So, friend, don’t throw in the towel. Do what you can do and praise God through it all. 🙌🏼 You can do all things through Christ, Who is your strength! ❤️
If I have encouraged one person in this post to just. keep. going, then it is worth posting the hot mess picture of me while running (below), lol. Also below is the Fat Stripping Frappa recipe from Trim Healthy Mama (tastes like a Wendy’s Frosty!) to hopefully spur you on in your health journey, too.
I am making my way back to posting regularly again and prayerfully considering what podcasting will look like. Would you please pray for me? The plan is to start back in September, Lord willing!
One thing that amazes me about God’s grace is that despite all that was transpiring in my life, God enabled me to finish my PhD in Bible Exposition at Liberty University and to speak at several meaningful events. Ministry still happened.
Perhaps what feels like a waste of time (being sick, suffering, problems) is part of leading us to a second wind where we learn to rely more on Christ’s strength than our own.
Christ showed us how to have joy in grueling circumstances by looking to His certain reward.
“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” —Hebrews 12:2, NLT
Keep running, friends. The Holy Spirit is Your second wind. Lean in and ask for His help. I am cheering you on as you seek to live fully for Christ!
To find your second wind and your new rhythm, you have to keep going. Keep putting one step in front of the other until you find your new rhythm…and seek your second wind in Christ. The below graphic offers tips to help you find your second wind.
All for Jesus,