2 Chronicles 16:9
“The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.”
God sees you. God sees everything, but He especially sees you. And me. Nothing is hidden from His view. Yeah, that, too. He knows your struggles, your burdens, your discouragement. And He knows if you are committed to following Him.
So, we are kind of exposed then, right? But God is not searching us out to condemn us. How beautiful is that? He wants to strengthen us. To give encouragement to the weary.
Do you need strength today, friends?
Does anyone feel weak?
It might be a weakness to be disciplined in your life. You just can’t help yourself and that chocolate is calling your name . . . or you don’t want to exercise. I get it. Taming this flesh is SOOO hard.
Or maybe you are sick and wonder if you will ever be able to get your health back . . .
Or you find yourself so discouraged, you don’t see how you can overcome.
God meets us at all of these places. It might be a whimper—that is all we can utter. It’s enough. Cry out to the One Who wants to give you the strength that you need. Because here is the surprise:
When we are weak, we are strong. Why? Because we stop trying to rely on our own strength and recognize our need for God.
And, as Philippians 4:13 says, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
God wants to give you strength for whatever you are facing. He wants to. But part of being in a relationship with God is we have to share our weaknesses and our burdens with Him. How He answers might look a little different than what we thought, but His ways are better and higher and He always has our best in mind. The thing we wanted and didn’t get? God knew we didn’t need it. We need Him.
He gives strength to the weak and the weary.
When we admit our need, God moves.
He changes our hearts in the process, too. It isn’t just about getting what we want from Him, but having that thing—that hurt, that burden, become lighter as it is placed in its proper perspective and we rise above it all by God’s transformational grace and power.
Friends, we all need strength. We all get beat up in this life. We are in a race. But God is cheering us on all the way. Keep running! Keep seeking Him! Be fully committed to Him and watch what He does with our weakness and our struggles.
My musings have been a bit tamed this past week as I have been working on my next book. Oh, how I wish I had more time to write. But for now, I wake up early or stay up late to carve out this space where I can share the thoughts God cultivates in my spirit as I read His word. I covet your prayers as I seek His face to write about such an important topic. Thank you, friends!