Thankful Thought of the Day: Thankfulness is a sacrifice that affects those around us and honors God.
Walking the streets of Williamsburg, the weather began to become frigid and uncomfortable. Sacrifices of time and money had been made to make this trip happen. And the weather did not cooperate. My husband offered gratitude in a cheery tone and I countered with as much gratitude as I could muster, feeling a bit like I had let the kids down.
Then it happened. I began to be thankful for everything I could think of. Thankful to be able to be on this field trip. Thankful for the shuttle at the end of the road that came just as it began to drizzle on us. Thankful for this time with my children and husband. Just thankful. And you know what? The weather did not matter much anymore.
Being truly thankful means we are grateful even when it does not seem there is much to be thankful for. Thankfulness is a sacrifice, an offering to the One Who has given us everything we have.
When our thank offering is brought before God and lived out in our lives, people see the grace of God in us and turn it into praise to Him, too.
Be thankful even when you don’t feel like it. Someone around you needs to see the seed of faith in your heart that glorifies God at all times.