
The Ark of the LORD contained the presence of God, though God is everywhere. And we contain the Holy Spirit, though He is everywhere. Don’t forget that God is holy, friends. It matters how we live. His laws still stand. We aren’t righteous by obeying His laws, but by the blood of His precious Son. And don’t put God in a box. He is greater than words can define. May we not become so familiar with God that we forget it is just His incredible mercy that saved us.

7-Fold One-Year Bible Reading Plan

Day #128: 2 Samuel 6-10

Scripture of the Day: 2 Samuel 7:20-21

Listen: https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mc…

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Bible Reading Plan: www.denisepass.com/bible-reading-plan 

#SeeingDeep #BibleInAYear

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