
Mundane Monday terrible day

Inspirational Thought of the Day:

Every day is a blessing if we are breathing and above ground.

Scripture of the Day:

Psalm 118:24

“This is the day the LORD has brought about. We will be happy and rejoice in it.”

Alright, I already feel convicted having the title that I chose for this posting, but I wanted to cherish one last vent in my pity party.

Monday sure is a fitting choice for the happenings of today. Admittedly, they are first world problems, but when you have a job to do and cannot get anything done because of technologicial issues one after the other, it is frustrating. And I confess – I cried. Yup. And it felt good. 🙂

After all, the word “technological” taken apart says tech – has – no – logic. Yep, so true. Sometimes you just keep trying to make things work and they just don’t. What then? Get some chocolate, wings and a soda . . .

Oops – no, do the opposite of what you want to do. Instead of complaining, which only makes things spiral further downward, laughing about circumstances can help. But more than anything, is focusing on God’s truth. If this is the day that the LORD “brought about” or allowed, He wants me to be happy in it. Um – I failed.

But when I consider much larger problems I have had, I begin to smile. For in comparison, these problems are minor and I am humbled that they bothered me so.

So if you are out there and had a struggle today, thank God that you are alive to struggle. If there are things that have broken or malfunctioned, thank the LORD for all the days that they have not. Maybe, just maybe, there is character being worked in and someone around us needs to see how we handle it. And sometimes – someone will notice and bless you and bring you flowers. 🙂

Lord, thank You for your grace and strength when things don’t go “my way”. Help me to praise You at all times and to have a heart of gratitude.


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