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Psalm 27:13 (NIV)
“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of theLord
In the land of the living.”
Real joy can be found in the least likely places. Listen in as Denise interviews author Lauren Gaskill to discuss how she found joy in the midst of health challenges.

Lauren Gaskill
Lauren Gaskill is the author of Into the Deep: Diving Into a Life of Courageous Faith, a national speaker and the founder of She Found Joy. Diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder (Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome), Lauren is passionate about encouraging others to fight for faith and keep hope alive — no matter what. When she’s not writing, Lauren loves to cook, bake and go on hikes with her husband and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, who is affectionately named Reese after Lauren’s favorite candy, peanut butter cups.