by Denise Pass | Aug 2, 2020
Sense and Sensibility This is the name of one of my favorite movies to watch with my daughters when they were growing up and we wanted to watch a chick flick. There is one sister who is sensible and wise. Discreet. Then there is the other sister who was not as...
by Denise Pass | Aug 1, 2020
Can God Be Trusted? We learn today about the process of crying out and what that looks like. There is a battle that we go through to get to the right frame of mind when life is hard. Can God be trusted even when He allows suffering in? Through the Psalmist we watch...
by Denise Pass | Jul 31, 2020
God is in Control The end times can be a scary thing to think about. But No matter what is going on around us or what is to come, God is in complete control of it all. And God wins and triumphs over evil. And the amazing thing is that this great, kind God sees us and...
by Denise Pass | Jul 30, 2020
Don’t Live Like a King What influences you in our culture? The kings of old were influenced negatively and influenced others negatively. But there were also righteous kings who chose to influence others for righteousness. We have much to learn from the kings we...
by Denise Pass | Jul 29, 2020
What’s in a Number? Today’s my birthday, y’all. And it got me to thinking about numbers . . . of course, the Bible reading plan today starts the book of Numbers, too. The most important number and the greatest gift we can ever have is to be numbered...