
Make Up Your Mind—September 3 Bible Reading Plan

Make Up Your Mind Our mind is a battlefield. Our mind is where our belief system is formed and kept. And it is where the enemy of our souls seeks to attack us and prevent us from knowing God. Our thoughts can wander and fear or anxiety can rob us of the peace is ours....
Renewing our Mindset, part 2

Renewing our Mindset, part 2

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” —Philippians 2:5 Running around the house frantically, I wondered if I looked fat in my outfit. Would others notice? Then my thoughts quickly turned to that old familiar struggle in my mind of what...
Renewing our Mindset, part 1

Renewing our Mindset, part 1

My precious daughter stood in our living room sharing how God had revealed so many awesome truths to her. As she shared, her eyes beamed and you could feel the victories she had won over past discouragement. Pure joy. Oh, if we could just bottle that up, right? The...
Make Up Your Mind in the New Year!

Make Up Your Mind in the New Year!

Happy New Year!!! So why do I start the new year with a picture of a brain lifting weights?! So glad you asked! Ok, so another year is upon us and the usual recriminations about our failings last year or contemplations of potential new year’s resolutions flood...

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