SD #168 Renewing Your Focus

SD #168 Renewing Your Focus

Mind renewal is not dependent upon perfect circumstances, but it is dependent upon a perfect God. What we focus on shapes our mindset and worldview. Renewing your focus takes intentionality and practice. Listen in to some tips on how to renew your focus and ultimately...
SD #167 Renewing Your Mind

SD #167 Renewing Your Mind

Happy Easter, all! Christ has risen! In Christ, we have His victory! But sometimes we don’t live like it. This is where mind renewal comes in. Renewing your mind is not just a good thing to do. Don’t neglect mind renewal. It affects your whole life. So why is it...
SD #166 No Foolin’

SD #166 No Foolin’

April is here! And this month we are going to be talking about being renewed! Today’s topic is aptly titled, “No foolin’” since April Fool’s Day just passed. Did any of you get duped by April Fool’s jokes? I can be so gullible because I want to believe the best...
SD #165 Finding Your Rhythm

SD #165 Finding Your Rhythm

What is the cause of your struggle to find a healthy rhythm in your life? Sometimes our busyness is due to poor planning or maybe due to a perfectionist mentality that does not know when to quit. The list could go on and on. But the truth is, we don’t have to be in...
Is it Ok to Not Be Ok?

Is it Ok to Not Be Ok?

Is it ok to not be ok? I asked this question earlier this week on social media and then discussed this topic in my online bible study for Make Up Your Mind and came to some freeing answers. Is it ok to not be ok? When our feelings rage within, they don’t have to...

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