
very inspiring blogger awardGrateful to be nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by http://macsmoments.wordpress.com/. The community here at WordPress has been very encouraging and it is a blessing to write alongside you all.

Please do check out what http://macsmoments.wordpress.com/ has to offer as there’s something for everyone!

Here are the guidelines for the award:

1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.

2. List the rules and display the award.

3. Share seven facts about yourself.

4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated  you.

Denise’s 7 Facts:

1. I have home-schooled since 1997 and love being mom to my five children!

2. I played the mini-tuba in college and got paid to (full scholarship) and have been on the radio and TV as a Christian singer/songwriter.

3. I love chocolate!

4. I love my husband!  (Not in that order!)

5. Though I have taught writing for years, I finally am stepping out to write this year!

6. Worshiping God is my greatest joy!

7. I have moved over 30 times in my life!

My 15 nominations:

A Prophetic Walk at: http://apropheticwalk.wordpress.com/

Rob Barkman at: http://settledinheaven.wordpress.com/

Rolain at: http://kingspeech.wordpress.com/

John Mark Miller @ http://theartisticchristian.wordpress.com/

Betty at Jesusmyjoy http://togodbetheglorybettysverseofthesay.wordpress.com

Paige Hamilton http://talesfromthelaundryroom.com/

Ellie @ newcreationsministries.wordpress.com

Melissa @ http://teaamongfriends.wordpress.com/



Karrie @ http://karriewilson.wordpress.com/

Susan @ http://susanirenefox.com/

Jerry – Walkthwalk92@ http://jerry792.wordpress.com/

Meredith @ http://meredithlbl.com/

Don Merritt @ http://lifereference.wordpress.com/



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