
Scripture of the Day:

Hebrews 4:16 (ESV)

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Shame RX:

When we recognize that shame from circumstances is often beyond our control, we learn to view shame differently.

The car breaks down. You stumble and trip on stage. Someone spills their drink all over you. You have broccoli between your teeth or lipstick on them. Embarrassing? Yes. But why? Have you ever paused to question why we would feel embarrassed for something completely out of our control? Therein lies the secret. When we recognize that shame from circumstances is often beyond our control, we learn to view shame differently.

[Tweet “When we recognize that shame from circumstances is often beyond our control, we learn to view shame differently.”]

Shame is valid when we have done something wrong, but when we are the victim of shame, we have a decision to make. Will we allow the peer pressure around us to cause us to feel shame, or will we recognize the imposter this false shame is?

Why would we take on shame we have not earned?

Lack of self-worth.

We can accuse ourselves more than others do. We might feel we deserve it because there is something about ourselves that we instinctively find fault with. So when shame comes along, we accept its accusation rather than evaluating its presence.

[Tweet “When shame comes along, we accept its accusation rather than evaluating its presence.”]


Who’s got the power? We do, but we often give it to others to define us. Rather than shrinking in shame when we do something embarrassing or some crazy circumstance befalls us, we can laugh it off. That’s right. Learn to laugh at our quirks and mess ups and choose the power of overcoming shame by God’s grace, instead.

[Tweet “Rather than shrinking in shame when we do something embarrassing or some crazy circumstance befalls us, we can laugh it off.”]

Perfect is overrated.

[Tweet “When we are ok with being less than perfect, shame’s pressure does not reach us.”]

When we are ok with being less than perfect, shame’s pressure does not reach us. We can expose the myth of shame that tells us we should feel shame because it is evidently now apparent that we are not perfect. Praise God we aren’t. In humility, we recognize our need for God’s grace and truth to remove the shackles of shame from our soul.

[Tweet “In humility, we recognize our need for God’s grace and truth to remove the shackles of shame from our soul.”]

Think about it.

Or maybe we don’t take the time to consider why shame is rearing its ugly ahead again. If we were to truly consider the shame knocking on the door of our heart through the biblical lens of truth, we would recognize it as a lie. The truth does indeed set us free.

God, help us to let go of shame’s lie and embrace your truth, instead. We never were enough. We do silly things – but that is not where our identity comes from in the first place. Praise Your Name!

Did you know that shame affects us all in profound ways? Sometimes we don’t readily see it, but that does not mean it is not present. I have had the pleasure of writing “Shame Off You” this year and marvel at all God has revealed in the midst. No matter what the source of shame for your life, God can help to remove it through His Word. “Shame Off You” is available for pre-order now. Let me know if you pre-order. I would like to personally thank you with some free additional tools to help you live the Shame Off You Life!




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