2 Peter 2:8
“Now, dear friends, do not let this one thing escape your notice, that a single day is like a thousand years with the Lord and a thousand years are like a single day.”
Ephesians 5:15-17
“Therefore be very careful how you live–not as unwise but as wise, taking advantage of every opportunity, because the days are evil. For this reason do not be foolish, but be wise by understanding what the Lord’s will is.“
We are always in a rush. Deadlines loom large and there is never enough time – or is there? Perhaps our discontentment with the prescribed number of hours per day comes from not trusting God to complete His purposes in our lives within the confines of the time He in His infinite wisdom, has given. I confess that I have wished there were more than 24 hours in a day. Foolishly spoken, I know.
God is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting, outside time. We are in this capsule of time for a brief breath. How important it is, then, to be aware of the need for our time to be used well. If we understand what God’s will is, both given in His word and led individually by His Holy Spirit, then each day should be invested toward that will and not squandered on things that do not matter for eternity. Our challenge is that this utopia of just doing what God has willed is quickly dismantled by constant interruptions and distractions. Does anyone identify with me on this?
I wake up with good intentions; fix my husband breakfast if I am awake enough, then thank God for the day and dive into His word with a cup of coffee. My littlest one usually peeks his head out of his room about this time. I give him an assignment to do and then back to God’s word. Then an animal needs care, or the phone starts beeping. I begin to contemplate my day and getting my children up for breakfast and ready for school. Phew! Although I do not have near her number of children, I can identify with Susanna Wesley, mother of nineteen children, who hid underneath her apron to have her solitude and time with God. In this day when everything is moving faster, we do not have to have nineteen children to have the same challenge of having consistent time with God.
A new year is coming and it is always daunting as I ponder whether or not I should make new year’s resolutions and what they should be. As we approach a new year, may we not take it for granted and ask God to help us to use the time wisely which we are given. We do not know how much time we will be given, but we can offer it back to Him and ask Him how we should use it. May His perspective be ours – each moment an opportunity to know Him more and bring glory to His Name.
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Thank you! May God help us to achieve far more with His time in this coming year than we dreamed possible!
A well spoken word my dear, so looking forward to spending time with you in the New Year!