Psalm 50:23 (NLT)
“But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.”
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for each one of you and lifting you up in prayer today. I hope this month’s ministry newsletter spurs on thanksgiving and hopefully blesses you as you have blessed me in this ministry. There are some goodies in here, too!
How is everyone’s gratitude meter? Things can be kind of dismal with the news and life’s hiccups. Gratitude is not a normal emotion for our flesh, is it? There’s a reason why Scripture reminds us to do everything without complaining, right? But the good news is that our God will complete the work He has begun in us and He is able to produce joy and gratitude in the hardest of hearts when we seek Him.
And even more good news? If we will give thanks smack dab in the middle of a seemingly thankless situation, God will reward us! Reward us! Truly, we do not deserve such incredible, amazing grace, but that is just the character of our good God.
And when life does not feel so good and our Kumbaya’s are fading, suddenly the harshest of circumstances are molded into places of passionate worship when we surrender our complaints and lay down our entitled expectations. God is for us, friends. This incredible fact alone is enough to squash ingratitude and cultivate genuine thankfulness. (Had to say squash there—can you say, “Thanksgiving is on my brain?”) Ok, mind off food and back onto this awesome newsletter. 🙂
This girl’s been busy . . .
God is doing an incredible thing in the message of Shame Off You, y’all. I am blown away. The Holy Spirit has been filling my lungs with passion and messages of healing and restoration as I traveled to speak at about a dozen places and had about 30 interviews. AND, you were on my heart. How could I help the message of Shame Off You stick and last? Then the testimonies started pouring in . . .
A couple at my church told me that they were reading the book Shame Off You together and doing it as a study. Then another couple approached me and told me the same thing and that they had a nickname for me – “Leverage”. Evidently, the wife is able to get her husband to do items on the “Honey Do” list by promising that they can read a chapter of my book together! 🙂 This made my day!
Then there are the messages I receive from people overcome with the revelation that they can remove their shame. Set free.
The last testimony I want to share that is precious to me is about my oldest son and his girlfriend. They both wanted to buy my book, but I also wanted to give them copies. So I told them to give away the ones they bought as the LORD led them. And boy did God lead them. They are now meeting with a couple who was bound in shame. They wanted to do the book as a study. And while Shame Off You has reflection questions in there and a devotional in each chapter as well as a recap, it was laid on my heart to provide a Companion Study Guide for you all.
Can you say, FREE?!
So, if you have not bought Shame Off You yet, you are right on time! Purchase the book and fill out the form located here or at the link below, and you will receive several free downloads including the free Companion Study Guide. You can either use the download digitally or print it out in a binder.
Buy Shame Off You and Get a Free Companion Study Guide
And you know what would be absolutely incredible? If you would write a quick review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or any website you purchased the book from. Why? Because I want praise? No, but evidently reviews help a book to be promoted on the websites, therefore getting the message out to people who might desperately need it. Below are links for the reviews, as well. Thank you SO much!
Last but not least, I need to be a missionary and carry this message far and wide. Will you help me do that? Below is a 5-minute promotional video that can be shared. It contains clips from one conference I spoke at last month. God truly filled me and used me and I am just grateful to be used at all for His glory and to help people finally be set free from shame. I would love to come speak in your church or women’s group as the LORD leads. There is a page to help visitors determine how I can serve for their event, either speaking, worship leading or my band coming out:
Reaching Across the World
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, may we demonstrate gratitude by helping others. And as we look to Christmas, maybe God has placed it upon your heart to help a child which in turn helps a family. As a speaker with Compassion International, if you sponsor a child through my page on their website, I would like to send my book to you for free. Please let me know if you sponsor a child and I will send you my book. Enjoy those precious people around you today and may God grant you all freedom from shame and lives filled with Christ’s hope during the holidays and always!
All for Jesus,
Sponsor a child and rescue them from spiritual and physical poverty in Jesus’ name!
Hi Denise. I will be telling my uncle that I thank God for his being in my life today as we get together for Thanksgiving. I know that wanting to be with him can be a form of entitlement. Yet by the same token, I have also been to afraid to spend time with him at the same time. I have not been able to see him on Christmas Day since the early 2010’s, but I let that go and leave it up to God whether I will ever be able to spend time with him on Christmas Day again.