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Isaiah 56:1

This is what the LORD says, “Promote justice! Do what is right! For I am ready to deliver you; I am ready to vindicate you openly.

Isaiah 1:17

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.

Isaiah 33:5

The LORD is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with his justice and righteousness.

Micah 6:8

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

We live in an unjust world, filled with people proclaiming their right to sin, no matter who it impacts.  What is justice? Defined by the latest trend or political whim, justice is relativistic to a godless society.  Oh, if we ever needed Him, it is now.

God is just – how can he permit such wicked oppression on this earth?  Man sure likes to blame God for the mess we have created.  We want our way – free will – but then we do not want to blame ourselves for the fruit of the choices made with our choices.  He is asking us to choose to defend justice – to love mercy, to be His agents on this earth.  What does this look like in America?  God help us to be obedient.

How do we help people, suffering on the other side of the world from the tyrannical evil of those who force their own brand of justice on their victims?  Do we only care when it is on our soil?  If we are called to promote justice and told that He requires us to act justly, we cannot sit idly by while injustice is filling our world, but what are we to do?

Whatever position we are in, we must use for God’s glory and to help others.  Praying for the persecuted is something we all can do, but how can we defend them?  I admit that I have felt that I am not in a position that can impact the evil playing out on the world stage.  But can I?  If prayers of those in Christ are effectual, we must step up our prayers for those in positions of power to act in accordance with God’s will.  On a local level, what injustices are transpiring?  Abortions? Children in need of care?  Are there organizations we can contribute to, who are able to act where we cannot?

Sometimes we might not want to ask God to open our eyes, because our hands will get dirty.  We will be inconvenienced.  It is not an easy thing to get involved.  But we cannot keep our eyes closed any longer.  We need to believe that God will grant us the grace and strength to do His will, especially when it seems too difficult for us.  When I chose to adopt my son, Samuel, it was very challenging – a hardship in many ways.  The challenges of developmental delay and being cheated while trying to help one child were seemingly insurmountable.  But I will never ever regret that choice.

God has treated us better than we deserve.  We have been given mercy when truly His justice would have required our judgement.  May this grace that has been given to us serve as an impetus for us to extend similar grace to others who desperately need it.

God, please help us to see the needs all around us and to act.  Show us where we can serve You and promote Your love and forgiveness to others.

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