Shame RX: No one knows you better than Jesus and He accepts you.
Psalm 54:4 (NIV)
“Fear not, for you will not be ashamed; be not confounded, for you will not be disgraced; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.”
Family is one of the greatest treasures on earth we can be given, and yet a shadow of shame can be cast over our lives from our families if we don’t recognize it.
A prophet from his own hometown is without honor. Sometimes those who know us best can begin to ascribe their own assessments of us that are, shall we say, less glamorous than the image we want to display.
While some of the shame we endure can work to produce humility within us, more often than not it buries people in shame. That shame formed in our family culture becomes a part of our personality and can be carried with us for years.
Within the framework of a healthy functional family is a group of dysfunctional people who sometimes can impose expectations on one another. And when people do not live up to those expectations, things can get messy.
The good news in Christ is that He is able to redeem every shame and help us to think rightly. We don’t have to live in anyone else’s shadow or measure up to anyone’s standards. Christ set the perfect standard and replaced our shame with His honor that we could never deserve or earn.
Whatever shame from your family you are still carrying today, let it go. No one knows you better than Jesus and He accepts you. Hear those words. Accepted. Loved. Cherished. He overcame death to restore you, friends. No more shame in Jesus’ name!
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