The past two weeks God has been impressing upon my mind a need to proclaim His greatness, in particular as we remember the 15th anniversary of 9/11.
I put together a video and slideshow for our worship service today to commemorate just some of the many miracles God did during the devastating events of 9/11. It was awesome to reflect on how God is so much bigger than any sorrow this world brings.
In my search to find footage that glorified God, I was really struck by a couple of videos I found. Here is a link to the video I created, splicing together two videos I discovered on the internet: 9/11 Remembrance. The amazing thing about the video I picked which shared the testimony of the finding of pages of the Bible being fused to metal at Ground Zero was that the very Scripture the Bible was turned to was the same passage our pastor chose to preach from today.
So today, as we contemplate God’s goodness, mercy, grace and strength which sustain us at all times, I want to share lyrics from my song, “Comfort to the Weary”, which was penned in 2002 and played in the heart of Ground Zero, New York City for a 24-hour time period. The lyrics still vividly remind me of our need for God’s comfort now, more than ever. See the slide show I created here: Remembering 9-11 Slideshow. To God be the glory in all things at all times. He is our ever present help in time of need.
Comfort to the Weary (c) 2002 Denise Pass
There’s a man on a New York downtown corner, Holding our a picture of his wife;
Holding on to hope with his heart filled with grief;
He’s wondering if God really cares at all.
He gives comfort to the weary, strength to the weak.
Healing for the wounded heart and power to the meek.
He knows all your pain and burdens, all your angst and strife;
And in the midst He’s there with you, though the pain cuts like a knife.
He is there – He is there.
There’s a girl who doesn’t have a daddy anymore,
Wondering why he had to die.
Men in a plan full of hate took his life away,
Now she’s wondering if God really cares at all…
He is there – Jehovah Jireh, my Provider – the LORD God Almighty.
He’s our Rock, Jehovah Rapha, the LORD our Healer – He’s there for you and me.
I don’t know what plans the LORD will have for you today,
Or what pain you’ll have to bear.
But I know what’s meant for evil will be used for good –
We serve a living God who cares for you…
Lord, please open the eyes of our nation to see our sin and need of You. Have mercy on us and help us to trust in You.
Powerful!! Thanks for sharing this!
You are welcome! Thanks for the feedback! God bless you and have a great day!