
Scripture of the Day:

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV)

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.”

Shame Rx:

Your weight is not about you or a reflection of who you are in Christ. 

Stepping on the scale in the WW meeting, I felt my cheeks flush with heat. up .6 pounds? How? I had followed the diet. Perfectly. Well, almost perfectly. Okay, one cookie, but really? This was not fair! And the two preceding weeks I had lost 2 pounds each time that I had not worked as hard for. Humph.

Ever feel discouraged with your weight? Maybe even a little ashamed about it? You are not alone.

And what is weight? It is a measure of how much gravity pulls on a mass or object. Very scientific, huh? So, now, don’t we all feel better? No? Why not? Because somewhere we believed lies about our weight. That we should feel shame if we are not a perfect weight. And shame has not helped us in our weight loss endeavors, right?

Your weight is not about you or a reflection of who you are in Christ. Our weight loss struggles are an indicator of our battle to walk in the spirit rather than the flesh. While this can produce shame—shame that we failed, or shame that we don’t fit into a certain outfit, truly the cause of our shame is pride.

When we fall short, we can allow that humility to bring us back to Christ and to ask for His strength in our weakness. And. Press. On. Toward. The Goal. The question is, what goal?

If our goals are not so worthy, like having a perfect body (can you say pride again?), then our fortitude and carry-through will wane when something we love (food) is enticing us. No our goals have to be more worthy than just appearances. We need real. Real goals. Real purpose.

When we consider that our bodies are not our own, we realize our weight is not about us in the first place. It is all about God’s glory. We are not our own and our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes when we become so absorbed with self and our appearance, we lose sight of what really matters and we don’t end up achieving our goals, either. Shame causes us to focus on self. Honor causes us to focus on Christ. As we pursue God’s glory in all things, we lay down our lesser purposes and cling to God’s. Don’t make excuses. They only entrench our shame and relationship with food. When we can let go of the food and its hold on us, we can cling to Christ, instead.

[Tweet “Shame causes us to focus on self. Honor causes us to focus on Christ.”]

This Wednesday, join me as I continue the What If? series and we explore how we can ditch the shame in Jesus’ name over our battle with weight loss. See ya then!

Why live with shame when you don’t have to? God has provided a way for us to remove shame and live in victory. Come and release your shame in Jesus’ name. Shame Off You details a biblical method for removing shame and is available at many retailers. Here are a few places you can get Shame Off You. Let me know you bought Shame Off You and receive a free bonus digital download.

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