by Denise Pass | Feb 2, 2022
Being Right Can Be Wrong Good Morning! Welcome to Day Thirty-Three! A lot of the arguments in this life are about being right. But being right is not the goal. Being righteous is. Bible Reading: Job 9-10 Verse of the day is: Job 9:2, “Truly I know that it is so: But...
by Denise Pass | Feb 1, 2022
Our Strong Hiding Place Welcome to February! The cold weather makes many of us want to hide away, though we are also suffering from cabin fever, I daresay. But there is a hiding place in Christ for those who seek and find it. Bible Reading: Psalms 9-10 Verse of the...
by Denise Pass | Jan 31, 2022
Signposts of Exaltation Good morning, friends! Day Thirty-One! It is easy to become apathetic or weary in this world. But we must never forget our purpose. We were made to exalt God. We are signposts of exaltation, proclaiming His goodness and faithfulness. Bible...
by Denise Pass | Jan 30, 2022
Faithful Possession Good morning, friends! Day Thirty! God’s people need to take ownership of what God has given to us. Faithful possession of God’s provision will mean we steward all that He gives us for His glory. Bible Reading: Joshua 17-20 Verse of the day:...
by Denise Pass | Jan 29, 2022
Chosen For Relationship Good morning, friends! Day Twenty-Nine! The fact that God chooses us when we have not chosen Him still astounds me and I hope it always does. We are chosen for relationship so we can know God and be a part of His plan of redemption. Bible...