BW#139 Vote Your Faith, part 1

BW#139 Vote Your Faith, part 1

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BW#134 Examining the Fruit of Social Media, Part 1

BW#134 Examining the Fruit of Social Media, Part 1

Examining the Fruit of Social Media The impact social media is having on our culture is significant. What fruit is social media bearing in your life? All generations need to examine habits with social media but can learn to use social media well. The fruit of social...
BW#133 Throwback Episode – The Power of Humility

BW#133 Throwback Episode – The Power of Humility

The Power of Humility Our flesh resists being humbled. We don’t want someone else to put us down. It is this natural reflex that does not want to believe we are less than. And yet God has already delivered us from shame. But the power of humility sets us free from...

Stay on Mission—July 3 Bible Reading Plan

Stay on Mission. It is easy to get sidetracked in this world, isn’t it? But God wants us to stay on mission and to be His watchman. Of all the things we dread in this world, the fear of God is greater. We will answer to Him how we lived. We need to warn people...

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