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Psalm 71:8

“I praise you constantly and speak of your splendor all day long.”

I was blessed to attend the GMA Immerse Conference in Nashville this week with my husband.  That moment when all of the Christian musicians around you are all lifting up the name of Jesus is a taste of Heaven.  But what struck me this week is that we are all worship leaders.

Worship leading is not just referring to responding to God through music.  It is the attitude of our heart throughout all of the capers of life – an opportunity to express worship to God through each moment.  The way we react when the pressures of life surround us affects those around us and can lead them to worship God or doubt Him.

All too often we can isolate worship to a specific segment of our day or week.  Being attentive to God’s activity around us and in us is worship.  Reading His Word, prayer, listening or preaching a sermon is worship.  Caring for our children and our spouses is worship – all that we do is worship when we do it all for God’s glory.

How we respond to life leads others around us to respond in like manner.  Gratitude in the face of disappointment, thankfulness over God’s provision, joy when the circumstances around us are heavy.  All of these responses are supernatural as we are enabled by the God of this universe when we come to Him.

Lord, help us to recognize that every aspect of our lives is to be poured out for You and others.  What a privilege it is to worship You, LORD!  Help us to lead others around us to worship You in every part of the precious life You have given!

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