Psalms 31:13a
“For I hear what so many are saying, the terrifying news that comes from every direction.”
Psalm 147:3
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
Psalm 30:5
“For his anger lasts only a brief moment, and his good favor restores one’s life. One may experience sorrow during the night, but joy arrives in the morning.”
On days like this when news of terror is filling the airwaves and in moments of fear, uncertainty and heartbreak, we who are in Christ have this hope: our living God is our faithful Comforter.
The rain falls on the good and the bad; all will see troubles on this earth, but it is often at the worst moments when we are closest to God. The accusations and attack of the enemy encircle us, trying to defeat us, but if we will press in and seek God, we crucify the flesh and find ourselves at a higher place with Jesus.
Like Job, who had counselors who knew all of the religiously correct phrases, we, too, will need to go past the surface of psychology, positive thinking or religiosity offered by the world around us to arrive in Jesus’ arms and the sweetest comfort known.
True comfort does not mean having our own way. It is a place of rest, trusting in our sovereign Father and peace in His promise to take our greatest sorrows and turn them into a place of healing, instead. It is weeping in His presence and laying our burden at His feet, knowing that He counts every tear and that everything matters to Him.
Perhaps the greatest comfort is that Jesus chose to walk among us not just so we could understand and know Him, but so He could identify with our suffering and we could have confidence to come to Him who patiently endured the most severe suffering for us.
Lord, please ease the pain of those in shock and horror now and draw them to You – the only sure source of comfort at all times. You are our refuge, our Healer, our living Hope. May you be the One we run to above and instead of all else.
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