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2 Timothy 1:5
“I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.”
In honor of Mother’s Day, listen in to this episode of Denise and her sons. Mommas raising boys looks a little different than raising daughters, but much remains the same. Our greatest goal is not that our sons will be like us but that they will be like Jesus.
Daniel and Samuel
Our Hosts
Denise Pass
Allison Mayberry
Before she wrote books, she wrote several songs that received radio airplay, including You Are Worthyand Layers. Passionate to help others to see deep in a shallow world, Denise also has two podcasts that communicate biblical truths for our daily lives, Seeing Deepas well as the Black and Whitepodcasts.
Denise and her husband live near Fredericksburg, VA. A homeschool mom of five with four in college, Denise has a passion to help moms navigate motherhood with grace and courage. An advocate for children, her youngest was adopted from Russia. When Denise is not ministering at conferences, she is leading worship on Sundays at her home church, studying God’s word, writing books or songs, gardening or spending time with family and friends. Visit her at www.denisepass.comor on YouTube.
Allison Mayberry is a Speaker and Listener Engagement Director for WPER in Fredericksburg, VA. She is married to her childhood sweetheart and they have 4 amazing children that are now beginning their journey into adulthood. Her all time favorite place to be (besides with my family) is the beach. Blue skies, the sound of the ocean and your toes in the sand make everything better.
Their family attends Choice Baptist Church and Allison holds a bible study in her home weekly. She loves her MOMSTRONG tribe and is grateful for all the blessing the Lord has placed in her path. Allison is looking forward to speaking more publicly about women fighting anxiety, helping women find their passion again and reminding people that marriage is not always love and tenderness. She said, “Sometimes you have to fight for your marriage, but you took a vow and it is worth fighting for.”