
Doing Our Calling

Doing Our Calling

Doing our calling is a chance to cultivate our partnership with God and experience his faithfulness in the process.

Shame Rx:

God cares more about our obedience in the process than results.


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord,  your God will be with you wherever you go.” —Joshua 1:9

Doing Our Calling—Obedience

I woke up late and realized I was behind again. Oh, why does doing what you love to do have to be so hard? God cares more about our obedience than what we produce. Even so, it can be hard to continue in our calling. But as we begin to embrace the beauty of the process of our calling, we start to learn how God celebrates our progress. When we choose to rest in His sufficiency, we realize His strength becomes manifest in the process. As well as speaking quiet assurance and encouragement to move us forward step by step.

Doing Our Calling—Overcoming Shame

Ultimately, there is no cause for shame in starting small. As we enter into a partnership with God, God’s word helps to fuel passion for the calling on our lives. Nonetheless, if we do not embrace this process, we will feel unfulfilled and not be as fruitful as God desires for our lives.

Doing Our Calling—God Grows Our Gifts

As we surrender our gifts and allow our talents to be used, our resources and time can be multiplied in the hand of a graceful Father. Don’t resist the process, friends.  In fact, the more you partner with God, you will be pleasantly surprised to see how faithfully He shows up with utter delight at the chance to spend time with you. As we obediently pursue small goals, God is pleased as He partners to propel us into the fullness of our destiny. Shame off you!



Shell Singh

Shell Singh


Contributor, Shame Rx

Shelley Singh is a blogger with a heart to equip the body of Christ about shame and honor cultures to bring freedom through redemptive grace.


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