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The Importance of Moms
The importance of moms cannot fully be fully expressed. Evidently, according to salary.com, if you calculate the worth of moms based on what they do, it is a six-figure income! And the bible also says that her worth is more than rubies.
This month, the podcast is focusing on the life bringers and legacy leavers of this world: moms. To celebrate the month of Mother’s Day and the release of Denise and her ministry team’s new book, “Mommy and Me: Cooking with Jesus,” Denise and guest Tabatha Haines start off the month discussing the importance of the many roles mothers occupy. Listen in and be encouraged as they illuminate these roles with 10 ways Scripture defines a woman’s worth.

Tabatha Haines
Author & Podcaster
Tabatha is a wife to Mike and mother to her son, Gabe. She is the host on her podcast, Flaws of Friendship and a multi-passionate creative entrepreneur woman of God who dabbles in worship leading, creating homespun decorations for her shop and serves on my ministry team making amazing graphics that you all have likely seen. You can find Tabatha at: https://www.flawsoffriendship.com/

Danielle Poorman
Author & Speaker
Danielle is a member of the Seeing Deep Ministry team and author of this week’s accompanying podcast devotion. She is wife to an amazing husband of 15 years, mother to two lovely children, and a “once upon a time classroom teacher turned to homeschool mom.” Her days are spent teaching her children and drinking plenty of coffee! You can find Danielle encouraging fellow moms at https://www.daniellehope.com/
Need hope? God is our hope but sometimes we can look for hope in the wrong places. Come and discover the hope that God has for us in the hard places in Denise’s book, Hope Reinvented, and an accompaniment devotional study guide for small groups, Discovering a Hope that Never Fails.