Our Worth is More than Skin Deep

Our Worth is More than Skin Deep

Ugh. Looking in the mirror I shook my head with disdain and sighed. I could not make the scale or my size budge no matter how well I tracked what I ate, ate healthily, and exercised. “Well, when you get to a certain age, this is what happens…” Great,...
No More Shame

No More Shame

As we celebrate Easter, we remember that Christ bore our sins. Sometimes we can still carry around shame from our sins. But there is no more shame for those who have believed in Jesus’ name! No more condemnation There is, therefore, NOW no condemnation for those...
Releasing Shame from Problems

Releasing Shame from Problems

Whoever came up with the phrase “Murphy’s Law” must have been acquainted with problems. We can joke about it to try and deflect our problems, but there is a hidden secret to problems—we feel ashamed for having them. Somehow, we feel we need to...
Letting Go of Shame When You are Not Chosen

Letting Go of Shame When You are Not Chosen

Standing in line waiting to be chosen for a team, the team captain avoided making eye contact with me. I wished I could have disappeared in that childhood moment, but now I understand that I gave too much power to the chooser. My worth was never tied to their choice....
Motivation Speculation

Motivation Speculation

Inspirational Thought of the Day: The calling on each one of us is too great to not have the voice of others encouraging us to stay on target with His message. Scriptures of the Day: Mark 3:20-22 “Now Jesus went home, and a crowd gathered so that they were not...

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