Psalm 19:7
“The law of the LORD is perfect and preserves one’s life. The rules set down by the LORD are reliable and impart wisdom to the inexperienced.”
John 1:17
“For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came about through Jesus Christ.”
This Christmas, when we think about getting what we want, I am thankful that God in His wisdom does not always give us what we want. Further, in His mercy, He did not give us what we really deserve – His judgment.
We are all rule breakers in one way or another, often rationalizing our weaknesses away, but God’s righteous standard is held. He does not leave us in a state of deception, but opens our eyes through His perfect law found in His Word, revealing our sin and need for a Savior.
What a gift – absolute truth – steady, unchanging and Holy in a chaotic relevant world. In a culture that demands its own way and makes laws to condone its sin, there still stands a righteous standard.
Many feel that this standard set by God steals our freedom and joy, but no greater freedom has anyone than the one who can see his sin that shackles him and can walk away from it.
Even though we could never fulfill God’s commandments perfectly, God in His sovereignty and mercy fulfilled it for us. His law brought condemnation so we could see our need of Him.
As we visualize ourselves opening these gifts that You have given us, Lord, help us to see Your law at work in our lives and to submit ourselves to Your will in every area of our lives.