Psalm 49: 1-4
1 “Listen to this, all you nations! Pay attention, all you inhabitants of the world! 2 Pay attention, all you people, both rich and poor! 3 I will declare a wise saying; I will share my profound thoughts. 4 I will learn a song that imparts wisdom; I will then sing my insightful song to the accompaniment of a harp.“
As a singer/songwriter, this verse is precious to me. When I write songs of worship to God, I am caught up in how awesome He is and how to reveal Him to whoever listens to my music. In everything I do, I want to convey God’s amazing grace, truth and love; to express His word in a way that can reach someone to understand God more. It is this hunger that drives me on: to know Him more and make Him known.
Music has a way of grabbing our attention more than mere words. Singing new songs also helps us to worship when we have grown accustomed to listening to the same worship songs. We can also listen inattentively and not recognize the impact music is having upon us. It has been said by some that they do not listen to the lyrics, just the music. But we are more complex creations than that. We are able to retain a lot of information and might not even be aware of it. What we listen to matters.
When I was in college studying music, I wrote a research paper on the profound effect music has on plant life. I was astounded that even plants wilted when hard rock music was played. (Smile). Humans are likewise affected by music, yet in even deeper ways.
The company we keep in media is either corrupting us or discipling us in our walks with God. There are so many distractions today, so many things beckoning for our attention. Which entertainment will we choose? Music that helps us to understand and worship God more, or music that numbs us to His existence? Movies or television that inspires us to be more like Christ, or awakens our flesh to become more carnally minded?
He has entrusted the secrets of His kingdom to us and we must prove faithful. Even in seemingly small decisions, He is LORD over it all. May we pay attention to what surrounds us and choose to place in our path songs, words and media that cause us to walk in purity and joy in the LORD. Like the Psalmist, may we seek to go deeper with God so we can share with those around us more of the depth of the riches we have in Christ.
Lord, in all I do, I want to glorify You. Help us to honor You and to never grow weary us seeking You diligently in every area of our lives.
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Msuic often becomes my prayer. Good thoughts!
Yes! David used music much in the same way, too. it is a powerful tool! God bless you!