
The Value of Wrinkles

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The Value of Wrinkles

Wrinkles aren’t so esteemed in our plastic world. Nonetheless, the value of wrinkles is found in those who have grown in wisdom as they have aged.

Sometimes as we age we can think that our age is directly proportional to our worth. All the same, the Bible gives great worth to those who are older. Listen in to this episode as Denise discusses the importance of relationships with elderly people in our lives with Isabel Tom, author of “The Value of Wrinkles.”

Need to grow in this area of your life? Especially if you have older loved ones, this message can radically change your perspective and relationships. Download a free accompanying devotion at this link or by clicking the button below:


Did you know that we do a daily Bible time on FB live? You can view it on my YouTube channel:


Isabel Tom

Isabel Tom


Isabel Tom is the author of The Value of Wrinkles: A Young Perspective on How Loving the Old Will Change Your Life.  

She is also a wife, mom, daughter, and forever grandchild who is passionate about serving the older adult population. As a result of growing up in an intergenerational household and working in the field of aging, Isabel has over 35 years of experience with older adults. In summary, her grandparents, who lived until 98 and 102, had a profound impact on her life.

In conclusion, professionally, she has over 13 years of experience working at reputable healthcare organizations in the senior living and hospice care field. Including a Master in Public Health from the University of Maryland, College-Park, along with this, she is married to her husband, Kevin, and they are blessed with three little ones who keep life fun.

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