by Denise Pass | Jan 25, 2020
Judgement. No one likes to be judged. But even when someone judges us rightly or wrongly, our God declares us righteous. 7-Fold One-Year Bible Reading Plan Day #25: Psalms 7-8 Scripture of the Day: Psalm 7:8-9 Listen:
by Denise Pass | Jan 24, 2020
Correction is not fun. We can tend to judge others on their actions and ourselves on our intentions, but God sees all. He knows our thoughts and deeds and corrects us to redeem us because He loves us, not to condemn us. And when we submit to His ways we will be...
by Denise Pass | Jan 23, 2020
Ever feel confused about the LORD’s direction in your life? Wonder where He is leading you or feel stuck and forgotten in the wilderness? Holding back or doubting Him will not make things any clearer. But when we truly follow Jesus and wholeheartedly trust Him,...
by Denise Pass | Jan 22, 2020
Have you ever wanted something to happen in your life so bad it hurts? When life is overwhelming and we wonder when God is going to come through, we just need to rest in His plans. God does not need our help to make it happen. And when we intervene, it just might...
by Denise Pass | Jan 21, 2020
We are slaves. To fear. To rejection. To what others think. To our vices. And we can’t be good enough to ever get to Heaven on our own. But God. We no longer have to be slaves to sin. He has set us free! And God will finish the work He has begun in us. 7-Fold...