Deuteronomy 22:5
“A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.”
Genesis 1:27
“God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.”
Psalm 68:11
“The Lord speaks; many, many women spread the good news.”
This is a controversial topic today, but the Holy Spirit urges me on and my heart aches for the stolen identity of women in the eyes of this world. We are raised to believe we should look a certain way or that our worth is defined by our beauty. But God sees us as His daughters, cherished and beloved, nurturers of His children, perpetuating to others the relationship we can have with our covenant God.
While history has often displayed women as being weak and certain cultures do not believe it is correct to grant the same rights to women, God has consistently given value to women and revealed Himself to them in profound ways. It was to women that He first appeared after He rose from the dead, and women are also interwoven into His genealogy alongside men.
This weary world minimizes people based on their gender, race or creed then glorifies another for being ‘free” enough to change their gender and attempt to erase the boundaries that God set in place. It is a confused world that thinks it can take what God made and change its identity. A man who is “empowered” to choose to be the “weaker” gender is deceived. He was not made to be anyone other than who God made him to be. Women are once again denigrated when a man can become a woman just by changing his parts. No, that is not a woman at all. He is not a hero, either. He is a man still loved by God, but he will never truly be a woman.
Women were also not born to be men. We do not need to feel inferior that our roles are different – God intended it to be so. Being a wife and mother have been holy vocations and callings from God. It is a role I was made for and I would not dream of handing that role over to anyone else. No man could fill that role, nor could I fill a man’s role. They are each unique and bring God glory.
The greatest calling a woman or man could have is to be a mouthpiece for God. No matter what gender God made us to be, we were made for His glory. Our worth is found in Christ alone, not in society’s definition of us. Instead of lamenting whatever aspect of who we are that is deemed to be less than another, we should rejoice that we are each uniquely made – like no other – and He delights in each one of us just the way we are.
Lord, thank You for your wisdom in creating each one of us. Help us to be what you made us to be and to live solely for Your glory.
What an affirming post! Glory to God for His wisdom in His creation of man and woman! Thank you for your obedience to speak these important truths. Well said!
Thank you! God is all wise – if only this world would not question His wisdom.
I lived a life of sinful disobedience to God for almost 40 years. That willful rebellion almost cost me my life by my own hands. Many people chose to despise me or condemn for many of my actions, particularly at the end when Satan had almost won his complete victory. Fortunately God, who hates sin, but loves all sinners, stepped in and saved me. Since that time, our great God has led me to many others who hated my sin, but love ME, and I love the way you use loving words to condemn the sins of which you speak, Denise, but embrace the sinners themselves with love. You are blessed. Thank you.
Thank you, Tony! I am so grateful God is using this blog to encourage you. How awesome God is – He will complete the work He has begun in all of us. Amen.
Great insight! It all boils down to being happy/content in every circumstance that God places you in. We are not to serve ourselves but rather should seek to serve and honor God. In other words, too many are caught up in today’s false philosophy of doing whatever it takes to make oneself happy, “being true to yourself”, seeking your own happiness are all false doctrines. God has placed you in the body or circumstance that He specifically wants you to be in. Be content and seek to honor God in that circumstance whatever it is. Don’t be self-serving, be God serving!