Inspirational Thought of the Day:
The favor of God is our greatest reward.
Psalm 4:2-3
“You men, how long will you try to turn my honor into shame? How long will you love what is worthless and search for what is deceptive? (Selah) 3 Realize that the LORD shows the godly special favor; the LORD responds when I cry out to him.”
Psalm 5:12
“Certainly you reward the godly, LORD. Like a shield you protect them in your good favor.”
The thrill of receiving a gift is a surge of elation, a cherished favor; but sadly, it does not last. Nope, the hard-earned new car or house, the pretty new outfit or exciting new relationship eventually become old. The pursuit of the next new thing is futile, as the endless cycle of newness wearing off leaves us disillusioned, wanting for more.
The irony is that the things we often desire are not worth our time at all. No one would choose a lump of coal for their stocking over a priceless, cherished gift, yet we daily are duped into pursuing things of lesser value compared to the riches God has in store for His children.
We might not at first recognize that we are esteeming worthless things, but that is often because we are deceived. Blinded by the desires of our flesh, we long for things that temporarily satisfy us while God has riches beyond our greatest imagination.
Often we fall short of receiving God’s best because we are impatient or do not trust in what we cannot readily see. Like the rich man who yearned for the comfort that Lazarus had after the sorrows on this earth, we have a choice right now to put our trust in the future hope that God has for us and not look only for rewards that this world offers.
To love what is worthless when the King of kings offers Himself, instead, is perhaps the saddest deception of all. He longs to have us look up and worship the only One of worth, Himself, and to bless us, but we choose things that do not last and ultimately our own destruction apart from the grace of God.
What is this favor He longs to give? We have an audience with the Almighty Creator. Not just an audience, but One Who hears us and acts on our behalf. He is our Shield, our Protector, the Lover of our souls. His favor is eternal salvation for those who recognize and receive the gift. The highest favor, indeed.
Lord, help us to invest our lives in what matters – pursuing You. May we not waste the precious gift of life on worthless endeavors, but pursue knowing You above all things.
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