Inspirational Thought of the Day:
Bitterness blinds us to the truth.
Scripture of the Day:
Ruth 1:21
“I left here full, but the LORD has caused me to return empty-handed. Why do you call me ‘Naomi,’ seeing that the LORD has opposed me, and the Sovereign One has caused me to suffer?”
Proverbs 19:3
“A person’s folly subverts his way, and his heart rages against the Lord.”
One thing you can say about Naomi – she did not pull any punches. She was going to tell it to you like it was. No sugar coating needed. But perhaps her recounting of the story was not true, after all.
Sure, Naomi told the truth about how she felt, but her description of God was affected by those bitter emotions.
Naomi felt that God opposed her. Such an admission revealed a distrust of God. Was He still the good God who blessed her in Jerusalem? Was He still faithful in the famine? Or is faithfulness dependent upon us always being what we perceive as “blessed”?
Scripture says that God does oppose the proud, but it also says to endure all hardship as discipline from a loving Father. It is difficult to feel loved when we suffer. We wonder why a good God would allow pain when he is All-powerful and able to remove our sorrows.
I remember bowing down and crying out to God when I lost my baby. I did not understand, until I came to God. There in His Word was a precious promise. He loved me, and “in His faithfulness He afflicts those He loves”. I had to sing a song in a wedding the next day that mentioned a baby’s heart beating. I had just watched my baby’s heartbeat stop beating the day before on an ultrasound. Why would circumstances have to collide in such a fashion?
Beautiful brokenness brought me closer to my God and somehow the veil was lifted and a glimpse at the mystery of suffering with God was a moment of Holiness I will never forget.
I did not just worship God when I was healthy and blessed. I now knew my God in a deeper way and trusted Him, even though, like Job, it seemed that He slayed me. He did. A part of my flesh was crucified that day and what rose was a soul comforted by the living God.
The former presumption that I only deserved blessing now humbled me. The feeling of betrayal and hurt was replaced by a daughter of the King who ruled her emotions and laid them at Her Master’s feet. Trusting that His plan was best instead of mine – set me free to have a living faith in the One Who knows and sees all.
A surface relationship with God views His permitting of suffering as proof that His character is questionable. But when we walk in the deep waters with God, our perspective changes and we realize that a relationship with God is during times of blessing and famine. Sunshine Christianity, worshiping God only when He allows no pain in our lives is not true Christianity. Carrying our cross and glorifying Him in the midst? Priceless.
In the end, Naomi was not forgotten by God and was blessed again. We can’t see the end, but how precious it is to trust in Jesus even in the rain.
Lord, thank You that You allow any blessings at all in our lives. Thank You for Your mercy and kindness. Help us to overflow to others around us with the healing You have given.